15 JUNE 2023


The meeting room represents one of the key spaces within a modern working environment, which is why Citterio, a leading brand in the office furniture sector, has been committed for years to proposing solutions capable of meeting the needs of those who take part in these moments of sharing, which can also lead to essential decisions for the management of a company.

Given the evolution that has invested the office environment in recent years, leading to greater flexibility of workers and increasingly smarter methods, comfort and functionality have become even more important features for meeting rooms, the need to be able to carve out reserved spaces equipped with excellent acoustics even within large open spaces.

Citterio's proposals in this field are many and various from each other, but always oriented towards improving the comfort of the working environment, relying on the principles that have made the company famous: an eye towards innovation, the use of raw materials of the highest quality and eco-sustainable, attention to detail.


Furnishing a Meeting Room With Citterio Furniture 

Shaping your meeting room with Citterio furniture means being able to count on a wide range of proposals, all characterized by a sophisticated and functional design, the result of both the mind of prestigious designers and the continuous research and experimentation that distinguishes the company Molteni Group.

In fact, Citterio makes available all the necessary elements that make up the ideal meeting room, from the tables to the acoustic booths, passing through partition walls capable of creating reserved environments even within larger spaces.

Whatever the solution chosen, Citterio offers the guarantee of being able to count on furnishings made of quality materials, as well as designed to last over time and offer maximum compositional freedom, essential for composing customized projects that faithfully reflect the needs of a specific working environment.


The most frequent requests regarding Interior Design for Offices and Open Spaces

Over the years, Citterio has constantly updated its range of proposals for furnishing offices in order to keep up with the times or even anticipate the trends that would change the conception of the working environment.

In fact, the first product in the CSS collection dates back to 2010, a real meeting box that aims to increase acoustic comfort and which over time has been followed by more and more proposals based on the use of technical materials designed to absorb sound.

In this sense, the W-SS acoustic booths have also met with great success as they are open to different possibilities of use, among which the option of creating comfortable and reserved spaces for meetings stands out.

Finally, meeting tables of all kinds cannot be missing from this list, among which both the round ones from the Point or Shard collections stand out, as well as the square and linear ones from the Bridge line.

By visiting our showroom in Corso Europa 2, Milan, you will be able to discover the best of Citterio's proposals for office furniture, letting yourself be guided by expert consultants able to guide you towards the most suitable solution for the needs of your working environment.



Enhance your spaces with design!

Call us at +39 02 76020334
Or write to us and send your plan.

One of our designers will guide you with your choices.